[SOLVED] Dynamic Rocket Cage Movement Physics

I found different solutions on the forum. Maybe you could try to apply the way below.

// Get the forward direction of the entity
var forwardImpulse = this.entity.forward.clone();

// Scale the direction by the amount of force you want to apply

// Apply the force

Note: This one is for forward. For backward you can apply a negative force. For left and right you have to use this.entity.right instead of this.entity.forward.

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Sweet! Thanks so much, I applied the logic and it works.

My dronecar got rendered backwards in Blender, so the forward function and backward function are on the wrong keys, but other than that it works flawlessly! All I gotta do now is make a fun obstacle course with a points-reward system, a high score and we got ourselves a full video game! :smiley:

It’s normal that you need to use negative value for forward and positive value for backward, but I don’t know if this is also the case when you apply force on the entity’s forward.

Great! A lot of work to do. See you in the next topic! :yum:

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