[SOLVED] Disk Allowance Exceeded

Why am I getting this error on uploading any asset in the project?

Each PlayCanvas account has a finite amount of storage space. Go to https://playcanvas.com/account and check under Usage and you can see what’s eating up the storage spage on your account. You can upgrade your PlayCanvas plan or alternatively, you can delete unused projects/assets.

But I have so much space left already.

Do you own the project you’re getting the error on?

We have the same issue. We have an Organization with 2 paid seats.

@yaustar @Albertos could anyone please look into it?


I did check my other account and created a new project. It’s just a couple of KB’s out of 1 GB and this error is still popping up while uploading any assets there as well.

Can you send an email to support@playcanvas.com about this? They will be able to check the exact details on your project.

when uploading, prompt

Disk allowance exceeded. UPGRADE to get more disk space.

My account space is not full , what should I do


Hmm, it seems a widespread issue, pinging @will.

From the Discord server, I can see the PlayCanvas team has been notified and working on it.

thanks for reporting this, we are working on hotfix

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the fix is deployed, please check it

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Yes I am able to upload assets now.


I got the same issue, I’ve send an email, waiting for reply, thank you~

hi, thanks for report, we are checking this.

hi, I’ve sent you email, have you seen it?