[SOLVED] Deleting slot does not work in Audio component [Editor]

Hi, when I press the delete icon there is no action taken.

Screen Shot 2023-01-26 at 16.33.24

We can reproduce this and are investigating

You can workaround this in the very short term by using the Editor API.

Select the Entity in the scene.

In devtools console:

var a = editor.selection.item;
const slots = a.get('components.sound.slots');
// You can examine 'slots' to see which one to delete
delete slots['2'];
a.set('components.sound.slots', slots);

We’ve found the cause and will be making a fix and release as soon as we can

Getting a fix out to staging and testing

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Thanks for the quick action! @yaustar

Hotfix is released. You should be able to delete slots now

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Yes thank you!