[SOLVED] Custom entity property change his value

I have a strange behaviour.

The idea is basically the following.
I have a camera, with a target.

I have some hotspots.
These hotspots have the following associated:
A new camera position (entity)
A new target of camera (entity)
It also has other associated elements that do not matter for this case.

When I click on a hotspots this happens:

1 - I keep the position values ​​of the camera and the target

this.originalCameraPosition = this.entity.getLocalPosition();
this.originalTargetPosition = this.focusEntity.getPosition();

2 - I recover the entities of the hotspots for the new camera position and the new target.

var dataSrc = entity.script.pulse;
var target = dataSrc.cameraTarget;
var camera = dataSrc.cameraPosition;

3 - I call the method .move with the values ​​I want the camera to go to

this.move(camera.getLocalPosition(), target.getLocalPosition(), pc.CubicInOut, pc.CubicOut);

If I click again on the hotspot I simply call the .move method so that it returns to the values ​​that I saved initially. that is, this.originalCameraPosition and this.originalTargetPosition

This is the logic, below is the complete code.

The fact is that if I make a console.log, the values ​​of this.originalCameraPosition in the .update method, these values ​​change in each frame and take the values ​​that the camera is taking as it moves with the tween ()
This seems very strange to me, since it is a simple public property that I add to the object as a storage.

Instead, it does not happen with this.originalCameraPosition

This is the hotspot click event handle:

    this.app.on( 'camera:move', function(entity) {
        var that = this;
        // Move camera and target position to original position
        if (this.isInHotspot) {
            this.move(this.originalCameraPosition, this.originalTargetPosition, pc.CubicInOut, pc.CubicOut, function(){
                that.isInHotspot = false;
        // Move camera and target position to hotspot data positions
        else {
            // Save original target and camera position
            this.originalCameraPosition = this.entity.getLocalPosition();
            this.originalTargetPosition = this.focusEntity.getPosition();
            // Get pulse data 
            var dataSrc = entity.script.pulse; // Data from hotspot entity
            var portes = dataSrc.entityObject; // Entity with animation (entity)
            var animation = dataSrc.entityAnimation; // The animation name (string)
            var target = dataSrc.cameraTarget; // The new target for this hotspots
            var camera = dataSrc.cameraPosition; // The new camera position for this hotspot
            this.isInHotspot = true;

            // Launch pulse data animation
            portes.animation.play(animation, 1);
            // Init tween position movement
            this.move(camera.getLocalPosition(), target.getLocalPosition(), pc.CubicInOut, pc.CubicOut);

    }, this );

And the move method is this:

OrbitCamera.prototype.move = function(cameraPosition, targetPosition, interpolationCamera, interpolationTarget, callback) {
    if(this.tweenPosition) {this.tweenPosition.stop(); }
    if(this.tweenTarget) {this.tweenTarget.stop(); }

    this.tweenPosition = this.entity.tween(this.entity.getLocalPosition()).to(cameraPosition, 2, interpolationCamera);

    // lookAt each update
    this.tweenPosition.on('update', function () {
    }, this);
    this.tweenPosition.on('complete', function () {
        if (callback) {
    }, this);

    //tween target
    this.tweenTarget = this.focusEntity.tween(this.focusEntity.getLocalPosition()).to(targetPosition, 2, interpolationTarget);

    //start tweens

Anywhere know why this value change in update every frame?.

Thanks in advance and sorry for my english.

Looks like you set it every time you are not in a hotspot?

if (this.isInHotspot) {
            this.move(this.originalCameraPosition, this.originalTargetPosition, pc.CubicInOut, pc.CubicOut, function(){
                that.isInHotspot = false;
        // Move camera and target position to hotspot data positions
        else {
            // Save original target and camera position
            this.originalCameraPosition = this.entity.getLocalPosition();
            this.originalTargetPosition = this.focusEntity.getPosition();

(see last two lines)

It’s more difficult to debug without a project to look at?

Hi @yaustar,
No, i check it. this.isInHotspot is just a property to check the state(in, out) of hotspots.

This propertis only has one time the value.

I rewrite the post to a better description.


Ah, I see now.

this.originalCameraPosition = this.entity.getLocalPosition();

I’ve been working in Unity so I forgot about this. As pc.Vec3 is an object, this.originalCameraPosition is now storing a reference, not value, to the local position of the entity hence why it is changing during the tween.

You want to either copy the values or clone the pc.Vec3.



In init of the script:

this.originalCameraPosition = new pc.Vec3();

And later in the move callback:


Or 2:
In the move callback:

this.originalCameraPosition = this.entity.getLocalPosition().clone();

Hi @yaustar
Sounds good, I try this solution later.
I’ll keep you informed


Hi @yaustar
Work perfectly now (:

thank you so much!