I created this game a while ago with some help and now need to make a small change, unfortunately I made a mistake and am stuck now… This is the scene: https://playcanvas.com/editor/scene/1901202
I initially just wanted to remove the controller instructions:
I deleted the file in the ui called “assets” that contained the text - since then when trying to launch I get the error message “ContainerAsset is undefined”. I put the asset file back in but the problem persists.
I would very much apprechiate any tipps!
You are right!
But then the rest of the scene does not work! And my knowledge of the programm is not good enough too recreate the folder… so many thanks for giving it a try though!
I think it must be the whole Tina_Gallery15-11-23 entity except the little thing that makes the error… so I think this is getting too complicated unfortunately…
The issue is that the container asset for the collision was marked as ‘excluded’. I forked and unticked that setting on the asset and it loads fine. When exclude is ticked, it means that asset is not included/used when running the app (launch tab and builds).
Thats amazing! Thank you @yaustar! But now all the textures are also excluded… and some of the collisions… That’s how it should look like (just without the controller instructions):
Sorry for being annoying, but I now can not load my main scene “In Progress 2” properly - Could you help me one last time and put it back to the original state (including the text) - many many thanks!