[SOLVED] Changing Email affects anything?

Hi All,

We are separating the email accounts that used to manage our analytics and the one being commonly used across the organisation. As a result I now want to update the email address to the common email.

My question is, would it affect anything related to the projects and their published builds if I update the email address on our Playcanvas Account and the “Organisation” account in terms of permissions and the published URL? My guess is that it shouldn’t matter which email address I use but wanted to be absolutely sure.

P.S. This is very crucial since we have clients using these published builds on their websites. Cannot afford to break those.


  • Tanay Dimri

Hi @Tanay_Dimri ,

As long as you retain access to your personal / org PlayCanvas accounts changing the email address wouldn’t affect your projects.

Calling @yaustar to verify that.


Yes, changing emails shouldn’t affect anything.


Thank you for the confirmation!!

I just updated the playcanvas account’s email address but when I tried to update the email address for the organisation linked to this account, I got an error while after clicking on the confirmation links saying “Your new email is already used”.
Any ideas how I would be able to use the same email address for both account and the organisation?


  • Tanay Dimri

DM me your email address and ORG name. IIRC, the ORG account email should be the same as the owner of the ORG account.

Handled via DMs.