[SOLVED] Can somebody send me an project exported to a ZIP file?

I need a playcanvas exported zip for Test,anyone can help me?If the test successed,I will try to update my license:)Really thx

Just like this ,a simple project which I can see the scene so that I can evaluate this plan.

That option gives you all the files in the project as is and is typically used for project backup so you can create a new project and import those files into it.

Were you looking for the self host option?

Yeah,I want to build a Self-hosting for test,but I need Playcanvas’s ZIP to achieve it,so can you give me a ZIP to test?I am a newbee here,and I haven’t update my lisence so I can’t test it by myself,If you can help me that really appreciated.

My E-mail is 1352013763@qq.com,thx:)

If it’s self hosting, you want this option: https://developer.playcanvas.com/en/user-manual/publishing/web/self-hosting/

Here’s an older version of the Model Viewer: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j7z5whtwvt5ck7q/Model%20Viewer%20Export.zip?dl=0