Created animated sprite and put the animation into.
I tried to put animated either in 2D screen and also in root, tried several more places but without any result. Also checked few topics how to set them but i still coulld not figure it out. any simple steps that need to be done in order to make it work? Thank you
well, i checked few topic and it seemed that people figured it out somehow, i can create “animation” through code too but i was looking for non-code way. something more simple
Well, I haven’t done it the non-code way because I only know how to do it the code way. So, you can try and do this.
Put the animation on the coin then try code it together to see if it works?
As far as I know animated sprites are not supported on 2D screens at this time. The closest you can get to it is to tween the spriteframe on an image element. I hope that is helpful.
This is likely an issue with your texture atlas. If you take a look at the texture atlas in the project I linked and the frames setup inside, you will see that the frames are all the same size. This will prevent Playcanvas from attempting to stretch the frame to match the size of the image element.