I’m having an issue whereby when I change from one scene to another, the skybox (in the second scene) is not there.
I only have 2 scenes in my project, a menu scene (which does not use a skybox) and a ‘game’ scene, each has a button/sphere that changes scenes to the other.
Interestingly, if I load up the ‘Menu’ and change to the ‘Game’, the skybox is not there, however if I load up the ‘game’ scene directly it all works fine.
Here is my small test case https://playcanvas.com/project/766014/. I’ve a Main scene with no skybox and on click on the cube, I change to an other scene with a Skybox, it isn’t displayed.
On a bigger project, from one scene to an other scene I’ve also some missing objects which are in Batch Group. What I’m missing?
Indeed @saif, thanks for the lookup by the way, I just changed for loadScene instead of loadSceneHierarchy.
It seems to properly switch full scene the code is :
var oldHierarchy = this.app.root.findByName ('Root');
// Get the path to the scene
var scene = this.app.scenes.find(sceneName);
// Load the scenes entity hierarchy
this.app.scenes.loadScene(scene.url, function (err, scene) {
if (!err) {
} else {