Script attribute type number without slider?


I am trying to put a non-sliding number on the script attribute type number, but there is no option for it.
The case is, even when I don’t use it, when I slide it, it goes from 0 - 1, when I already set it from editor to 5.
In my case, there will never be a default value cause it depends on the tile size of the material, so I initially set it to 1.

Is there any way that I can just remove the slider?


Great feedback, thanks! I agree that there is a problem here and I’ve submitted a bug report. Hopefully we can improve this very soon for you.

Okay thanks will! :smile:

Hi @alectora. Thanks for noticing it.
I’ve removed slider by default.
Now it will be shown only when min and max attributes settings are defined.

Hi max, thanks it’s working nicely now. :smiley: