Sample code : Switching texture asset for a model

I have coded ‘switching texture asset sample’.
This is based on this topic.

I think it useful for Information banner and digital signage.
sample is below.

pc.script.create('bannerManager', function (app) {
    // Creates a new BannerManager instance
    var BannerManager = function (entity) {
        this.entity = entity; = 0;
        this.index = 0;

    BannerManager.prototype = {
        // Called once after all resources are loaded and before the first update
        initialize: function () {

        // Called every frame, dt is time in seconds since last update
        update: function (dt) {
            //This sample change texture asset every 2 second past.
   += dt;
            if( > 2){
       -= 2;
                //seek asset by asset ID number
//                 var findKey   = [1234567, 8901234, 5678901];
//                 var asset   = app.assets.get(findKey[this.index]);
                //seek asset by asset name
                var findKey  = ["banner_01.png", "banner_07.png"];
                var asset   = app.assets.find(findKey[this.index]);
                    var texture = asset.resource;
                    this.entity.model.material.diffuseMap = texture;
                    //If you want to not effect light to texture,  you activate below 2 line
                    //It available for information banner, 
                    this.entity.model.material.emissiveMap = texture;
                    this.entity.model.material.aoMap = texture;
                this.index ++;
                if(this.index >= findKey.length){
                    this.index = 0;

    return BannerManager;