Rotate Rigibody in the direction the objects moves

Link to the Project:

I want to move the Spaceship with WASD.
This works fine.

But I want also that the Spaceship looks in the direction it moves.
i dont know how to do this with rigibodies.

Thats my movement script atm:

var Movement = pc.createScript('movement');

Movement.attributes.add('speed', {
    type: 'number',    
    default: 0.1,
    min: 0.05,
    max: 0.5,
    precision: 2,
    description: 'Controls the movement speed'

// initialize code called once per entity
Movement.prototype.initialize = function() {
    this.force = new pc.Vec3();

// update code called every frame
Movement.prototype.update = function(dt) {
    var forceX = 0;
    var forceZ = 0;
    var multiplikator = 1;
    if ({
        multiplikator = 2;
    // calculate force based on pressed keys
    if ( {
        forceX = -this.speed;

    if ( {
        forceX += this.speed;

    if ( {
        forceZ = -this.speed;

    if ( {
        forceZ += this.speed;

    this.force.x = forceX;
    this.force.z = forceZ;

    // if we have some non-zero force
    if (this.force.length()) {

        // calculate force vector
        var rX = Math.cos(-Math.PI * 0.25);
        var rY = Math.sin(-Math.PI * 0.25);
        this.force.set(this.force.x * rX - this.force.z * rY, 0, this.force.z * rX + this.force.x * rY);

        // clamp force to the speed
        if (this.force.length() > this.speed) {
            this.force.normalize().scale(this.speed * multiplikator);

    // apply impulse to move the entity