Released: Let's Craft

Playable on the phone:


Globally launched a couple of days ago - a voxel-based sandbox game designed purely for Facebook Messenger. Of course it’s a clone, BUT with extremely simplified building process, vertical screen orientation, working UCC and distinct progression system. Oh, and it’s 3,93 MB! (initial download size)

If you encounter any bugs or low FPSes on high-end phone, let me know!

Things provided by Playcanvas we were super happy with:

  • Open-source engine, read its code alot while trying to understand some non-conventional technical problems
  • Collaborative editor and cool branches management
  • Lightweight builds - as that was the main requirement and the main choice criterium :slight_smile:

Things that were pain in the ass :wink:

  • The fonts system - doesn’t work well with logographic languages. (because of the download size we minimized some languages to the characters used in the game; so right now Chinese players cannot see their names in the rankings)
  • Encountered a couple of bugs we had to fix with some hacks overriding the engine functions. Sometimes we didn’t exactly know what we were doing :).
  • With a game consisting of 20+ window types, the lack of prefabs system was a little inconvenient. We placed and disabled everything on the main scene. But, FYI, even though the scene json is huuuuuge, it loads and works well.

I hope Playcanvas will be developed further and get more popular among the developers. Good luck! :slight_smile:


This is an amazing achievement. Congratulations!

Do you have a promotional video for this game that I could tweet from the PlayCanvas Twitter account? We would love to promote the game!

I ran the game in mobile Safari on my iPhone X. I noticed the frame rate stuttering occasionally. Have you done much analysis of performance?

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Hi will, of course I have! You can download it here:

We’ve tested the performance on 20+ phones, but mostly launching the game within the target platform, which is Facebook and Messenger applications (you should be able to do the same by scanning the qr code). Full-fledged browsers works slower than the FB’s WebView that launches the game :).

Thanks for the support.