It appears there is a small glitch on the playcanvas attributes with script 2.0. When you enter an unknown variable in the attributes it displays it as a string. I don’t know if it is a bug or a feature, but **I actually like it a lot!! **. So please don’t fix it .
What could be really nice however is to name it as an attribute type. like ‘readOnly’ or something like that. And display an error if the type doesn’t match.
How to reproduce
AdvancedSequenceExample.attributes.add('DESCRIPTION', { type: 'readOnly', default: 'This script show a more advanced way to use sequence using do, doParallel, doWait' });
AdvancedSequenceExample.attributes.add('REQUIREMENTS', { type: 'readOnly', default: 'Each entities except the star require animationPosition.js script attached on them. The star require to have an animationRotationScript' });
AdvancedSequenceExample.attributes.add('lLeftEntity', { type: 'entity' });
AdvancedSequenceExample.attributes.add('vEntity', { type: 'entity' });
AdvancedSequenceExample.attributes.add('lRightEntity', { type: 'entity' });
AdvancedSequenceExample.attributes.add('starEntity', { type: 'entity' });