Quite ASAP: Error with models renders

I have a play test for 1000 users in 2 days, and part of my models in the game got broken just today, for no obvious reason.
First, the models are gone from the editor. Renders are empty (0 bytes). When I try to reupload the models, nothing changes - the renders are still 0 bytes. When I launch the game, I get the following errors in the console.

The issue persists in all browsers. Please help.

So it turns out basis was the issue. I deleted it from my project and now everything is fine.


Just to make sure all is good on our side, I tried a new project, compressed a texture with basis and all still seems to work, that includes launched and published builds.

I also noticed other issues after the latest Playcanvas update. Some my materials settings were wiped, such as Tint checkbox and Shading Model (which is no longer present). Also, textures filters and mipmaps settings were reset to defaults. And basis setting moved from Assets Tasks to textures settings. Maybe the issue is because of the transition. Just pondering.

maybe check this out Editor v1.47.0 release with some changes to Materials

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Yes, now it all makes sense. Thank you for clarification. Though it took me off guard. Its unpleasant to see things in my game change without a clear understanding why.

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