Publish Game with Video CORS Issue

Hi there,

I worked on my project for a couple of months now. I need to publish it soon. I decided to use the playcanvas servers provided. I now ran into some issues because the Game has videos in it. If I understand the other related topics to this matter right, I cant just put the videos into the released application. Instead I need to get a different external server and host them there seperately and setup a thing called CORS to make it work…? I mean the videos show and are playing (at least in chrome on macbook). But the console demands to set up CORS and to put in an URL where they will be provided.

Sadly, I have absolutely no experience in this matter. :-/
Can I just ignore the errors and go with it or do I need to host them on an external server too?

Or is there anybody willing to tutoring me a little with the publishing overall? :slight_smile:

1st Build


Best regards