Project not forking correctly

when i fork my project the scene “debug 2” is not there PlayCanvas 3D HTML5 Game Engine

I don’t see a scene with the name ‘debug 2’.

Is the scene in another branch maybe?

I think so, how do I fork a branch?

You can only fork the master/main branch of a project. So in this case you will have to merge your current working branch to master/main.

See Merging and resolving conflicts | Learn PlayCanvas

However, if you are comfortable with Node and NPM, you can archive a branch of the project to import as a new project using GitHub - playcanvas/playcanvas-rest-api-tools: A set of tools to use with the PlayCanvas REST API for common jobs such as downloading a build and archiving a project where you can specify a branch id.

Unfortunately, this isn’t exposed in the Editor/Platform UI so you have to use the REST API or the tool above to do this.

Read more on this here as well as how to import it as a new Project on PlayCanvas Projects | Learn PlayCanvas