Procedural Meshes

I thought I would try my hand at creating procedural meshes. I have managed to build meshes with 1000’s of triangles in a single pass but now I would like to add meshes during updates and refresh the model. Currently I am not getting any errors in my code but the model is not updating to display the new geometry.

here is what I have so far:

var Meshbuild = pc.createScript('meshbuild');

// initialize code called once per entity
Meshbuild.prototype.initialize = function() {
            this.node = new pc.GraphNode();

            //var mesh = pc.createBox(;
            this.positions =
                0, 0, 0,
                3, 0, 0,
                3, 0, 3
            this.uvs =
                0, 0,
                1, 0,
                1, 1
            this.indices = [ 2,1,0 ];
            this.normals = pc.calculateNormals(this.positions, this.indices);
            var options = {
                normals: this.normals,
                uvs: this.uvs,
                indices: this.indices
            this.mesh = pc.createMesh(, this.positions, options);

            var material = new pc.StandardMaterial();
            //var meshInstance = new pc.MeshInstance(node, mesh, material);
            var instance = new pc.MeshInstance(this.node, this.mesh, material);

            this.model = new pc.Model();
            this.model.graph = this.node;
            this.model.meshInstances = [ instance ];

            this.count =1;
            console.log("init finsihed");

// update code called every frame
Meshbuild.prototype.update = function(dt) {
     var size = 5;
     var newpositions = [  
                Math.random() * size,Math.random() * size,Math.random() * size,
                Math.random() * size,Math.random() * size,Math.random() * size,
                Math.random() * size,Math.random() * size,Math.random() * size
     var newuvs = [0,0,1,0,1,1];
     var newindices =[this.count*3,this.count*3+1,this.count*3+2];    
     var newnormals = pc.calculateNormals(newpositions, newindices);
    this.positions =this.positions.concat(newpositions);
    this.uvs = this.uvs.concat(newuvs);
    this.indices = this.indices.concat(newindices);
    this.normals = this.normals.concat(newnormals);
     var options = {
                normals: this.normals,
                uvs: this.uvs,
                indices: this.indices
    console.log("creating mesh");
    this.mesh = pc.createMesh(, this.positions, options);
    var material = new pc.StandardMaterial();
    console.log("creating instance");
    var instance = new pc.MeshInstance(this.node, this.mesh, material);
    console.log("Setting instance");
    this.model.meshInstances = [ instance ];

What you are trying to do as far as I can see is re-use the same model but replace its mesh instance. I did some testing and I confirmed your finding that nothing changes.

However, if you simply remove it from the scene then add it again, it works:;;

That’s good to know, thank you. :grinning: