Playcanvas p2.js Integration, how to show debug body?

Hello, everyone
I would like to create 2D platformer game using playcanvas + p2.js
First , I follow this tutorial to active p2 world

but I find a problem…
I added p2box and p2body to the sprite and run the game
the p2box width and body height is not correct

here is my project

any idea??? Thank you

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Hi @supsersuperman,

It isn’t easy to work with p2 with the current implementation, since there isn’t a way to show the collision shapes. This is a good feature request, if you like submit it in the playcanvas-p2.js repo.

To fix your issue what I would do is, on the idle p2 body, change the width/height to match the size of the sprite:

And on the platform update the height property, it gets easier to find the correct values when you start implementing controls:

You can take a look at this tutorial as well, it’s a bit old but uses the playcanvas-p2 integration library:


really thx
Thank you very much, It works fine now!