PlayCanvas Editor TypeScript GitHub Template

We have made a simple TypeScript template project that can be used with the PlayCanvas Editor via PlayCanvas Sync.

Give it a try and let us know what you think! :tada:


Nice, that’s super useful to quickly prototype using TS.


I just started using playcanvas sync. It’s really useful to be able to keep scripts in git and be able to share common code between projects. I should give TypeScript a try too.



Is there a way there i can code ts file without showing those errors?

I don’t remember seeing those errors with VSCode :thinking:

You may want to try adding/using the ts bindings directly like shown here: GitHub - playcanvas/playcanvas-sync: Real-time synchronization of files between PlayCanvas and your local machine

Hey yaustar,

I’ve followed those steps but still have the error in the editor. I can build and push the files correctly and they are working well in the playcanvas project, but keep having the errors while editing the files.

Without the typings folder, it works for me:

Have you done:

npm install

And created the tsconfig.json file?

I think this issue is on me when I did this and renamed the JSON files :thinking:

Yes, i’ve duplicated the debug json and rename it to tsconfig.json and now works perfectly.
Thanks for the help.

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