Planet Data: Null

Hello all!

I thought I would make a Work In Progress post to show the progress I am making on my new game Planet Data: Zero.

The game is an open-universe game where you can explore planets, stations, and ships with unique missions and stuff to do.

The base version will include 5 planets, a sun, and whatever else I make!

I am currently working on the movement for the first ship you get, then I will start working on the first planet.

A few goals I have:

  • Make dynamic sound(Sound that changes based on your environment, like if you are fighting it is more intense or if you are in a certain area it is more peaceful)
  • Make Planet Data: Zero a fun game for everyone by adding stuff for combat, farming, exploration, mechanics, and anything else I come up with.

I am planning to have the first 5 planets done by late 2024- early 2025 but I will release planets and other things I make for beta testing and review.

If you have any questions or ways you can help, feel free to comment on this post.

Hello, all.
I thought I would give a quick update.
These first 5 planets will be done late 2025 or 2025.

I almost have the first miniboss fight for the first boss fight done and will be releasing it after some modeling and some polishing, stay tuned for that!