
// https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/UnityCsReference/blob/master/Runtime/Export/Math/Vector3.cs

pc.Vec3.SmoothDamp = function (current, target, currentVelocity, smoothTime, maxSpeed, deltaTime) {
    var output_x = 0;
    var output_y = 0;
    var output_z = 0;

    smoothTime = Math.max(0.0001, smoothTime);
    var omega = 2 / smoothTime;
    var x = omega * deltaTime;
    var exp = 1 / (1 + x + 0.48 * x * x + 0.235 * x * x * x);
    var change_x = current.x - target.x;
    var change_y = current.y - target.y;
    var change_z = current.z - target.z;
    var originalTo = target;
    var maxChange = maxSpeed * smoothTime;
    var maxChangeSq = Math.pow(maxSpeed, 2);
    var sqrmag = change_x + change_x + change_y + change_y + change_z + change_z;
    if (sqrmag > maxChangeSq) {
        var mag = Math.sqrt(sqrmag);
        change_x = change_x / mag * maxChange;
        change_y = change_y / mag * maxChange;
        change_z = change_z / mag * maxChange;

    target.x = current.x - change_x;
    target.y = current.y - change_y;
    target.z = current.z - change_z;

    var temp_x = (currentVelocity.x + omega * change_x) * deltaTime;
    var temp_y = (currentVelocity.y + omega * change_y) * deltaTime;
    var temp_z = (currentVelocity.z + omega * change_z) * deltaTime;

    currentVelocity.x = (currentVelocity.x - omega * temp_x) * exp;
    currentVelocity.y = (currentVelocity.y - omega * temp_y) * exp;
    currentVelocity.z = (currentVelocity.z - omega * temp_z) * exp;

    output_x = target.x + (change_x + temp_x) * exp;
    output_y = target.y + (change_y + temp_y) * exp;
    output_z = target.z + (change_z + temp_z) * exp;

    var origMinusCurrent_x = originalTo.x - current.x;
    var origMinusCurrent_y = originalTo.y - current.y;
    var origMinusCurrent_z = originalTo.z - current.z;
    var outMinusOrig_x = output_x - originalTo.x;
    var outMinusOrig_y = output_y - originalTo.y;
    var outMinusOrig_z = output_z - originalTo.z;

    if (origMinusCurrent_x * outMinusOrig_x + origMinusCurrent_y * outMinusOrig_y + origMinusCurrent_z * outMinusOrig_z > 0) {
        output_x = originalTo.x;
        output_y = originalTo.y;
        output_z = originalTo.z;

        currentVelocity.x = (output_x - originalTo.x) / deltaTime;
        currentVelocity.y = (output_y - originalTo.y) / deltaTime;
        currentVelocity.z = (output_z - originalTo.z) / deltaTime;

    return new pc.Vec3(output_x, output_y, output_z);
         public static Vector3 SmoothDamp(Vector3 current, Vector3 target, ref Vector3 currentVelocity, float smoothTime, float maxSpeed)
            float deltaTime = Time.deltaTime;
            return SmoothDamp(current, target, ref currentVelocity, smoothTime, maxSpeed, deltaTime);

        public static Vector3 SmoothDamp(Vector3 current, Vector3 target, ref Vector3 currentVelocity, float smoothTime)
            float deltaTime = Time.deltaTime;
            float maxSpeed = Mathf.Infinity;
            return SmoothDamp(current, target, ref currentVelocity, smoothTime, maxSpeed, deltaTime);

        // Gradually changes a vector towards a desired goal over time.
        public static Vector3 SmoothDamp(Vector3 current, Vector3 target, ref Vector3 currentVelocity, float smoothTime, [uei.DefaultValue("Mathf.Infinity")]  float maxSpeed, [uei.DefaultValue("Time.deltaTime")]  float deltaTime)
            float output_x = 0f;
            float output_y = 0f;
            float output_z = 0f;

            // Based on Game Programming Gems 4 Chapter 1.10
            smoothTime = Mathf.Max(0.0001F, smoothTime);
            float omega = 2F / smoothTime;

            float x = omega * deltaTime;
            float exp = 1F / (1F + x + 0.48F * x * x + 0.235F * x * x * x);

            float change_x = current.x - target.x;
            float change_y = current.y - target.y;
            float change_z = current.z - target.z;
            Vector3 originalTo = target;

            // Clamp maximum speed
            float maxChange = maxSpeed * smoothTime;

            float maxChangeSq = maxChange * maxChange;
            float sqrmag = change_x * change_x + change_y * change_y + change_z * change_z;
            if (sqrmag > maxChangeSq)
                var mag = (float)Math.Sqrt(sqrmag);
                change_x = change_x / mag * maxChange;
                change_y = change_y / mag * maxChange;
                change_z = change_z / mag * maxChange;

            target.x = current.x - change_x;
            target.y = current.y - change_y;
            target.z = current.z - change_z;

            float temp_x = (currentVelocity.x + omega * change_x) * deltaTime;
            float temp_y = (currentVelocity.y + omega * change_y) * deltaTime;
            float temp_z = (currentVelocity.z + omega * change_z) * deltaTime;

            currentVelocity.x = (currentVelocity.x - omega * temp_x) * exp;
            currentVelocity.y = (currentVelocity.y - omega * temp_y) * exp;
            currentVelocity.z = (currentVelocity.z - omega * temp_z) * exp;

            output_x = target.x + (change_x + temp_x) * exp;
            output_y = target.y + (change_y + temp_y) * exp;
            output_z = target.z + (change_z + temp_z) * exp;

            // Prevent overshooting
            float origMinusCurrent_x = originalTo.x - current.x;
            float origMinusCurrent_y = originalTo.y - current.y;
            float origMinusCurrent_z = originalTo.z - current.z;
            float outMinusOrig_x = output_x - originalTo.x;
            float outMinusOrig_y = output_y - originalTo.y;
            float outMinusOrig_z = output_z - originalTo.z;

            if (origMinusCurrent_x * outMinusOrig_x + origMinusCurrent_y * outMinusOrig_y + origMinusCurrent_z * outMinusOrig_z > 0)
                output_x = originalTo.x;
                output_y = originalTo.y;
                output_z = originalTo.z;

                currentVelocity.x = (output_x - originalTo.x) / deltaTime;
                currentVelocity.y = (output_y - originalTo.y) / deltaTime;
                currentVelocity.z = (output_z - originalTo.z) / deltaTime;

            return new Vector3(output_x, output_y, output_z);

Hi @Fus_ion,

Thanks for sharing! The Unity math library has tons of useful methods like this.

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Yep, I’ve been meaning to port MoveTowards and RotateTowards from Unity for a while