Particlesystem not spawning symmetrically - weird pattern discovered

I’ve created a particle system as follows:

    let cloudParticles = new pc.Entity("CloudParticles");;
    const scaleCurve = new pc.Curve([1, 2.1]);
    cloudParticles.addComponent("particlesystem", {
        numParticles: 10000,
        lifetime: 10, 
        rate: .001,
        rate2: .001,
        startAngle: 360,
        startAngle2: -360,
        emitterExtents: new pc.Vec3(100, 0, 100),
        scaleGraph: scaleCurve,
        colorMap: assets.textures.fuzzk.resource,

Everything works as expected, except there is a weird ellipse pattern of missing particles between each corner and the center of the emitter, forming a 4-leafed flower, as here: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

There should be no weird pattern appearing, it should appear uniformly throughout the “extents”
NOTE: I’ve made the x,y,z of extents all 100, and noticed this pattern appears on all 3 axis – looking at the system directly from above, left, or forward, you see the same pattern throughout the cube

Am I doing something wrong? Is this a bug?

could it be related to this being too small?

From my original post: NOTE: I’ve made the x,y,z of extents all 100, and noticed this pattern appears on all 3 axis