Particle System buggy

Particle system is working great for PC but for mobile/touch devices it is really buggy.


I have many particles in my upcoming game but I cannot release it due to these issues on mobile.I hope it is fixed soon!

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I can confirm seeing a different result on Android than on Desktop ( it’s as if the mobile version has a wind force blowing it, and the end of the flames wrap back to the other side of the particle system )

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Did this ever get fixed ( or acknowledged )?

Going by what I’m seeing, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Y and Z axis have been mixed up / swapped in the mobile specific particle system code.

No, its not being fixed, I made it working by changing the ‘Sort’ option in particle effect to Camera distance, which basically forces the particle system to use the CPU instead of the GPU ( which is default), ofc particles on CPU are slow but that’s a immediate fix I did to publish my game.

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I forced CPU particles here too, and it fixes the issue on my end. It’s unfortunate that the GPU particles on mobile aren’t working properly, and weren’t fixed when you reported the bug.

Hey @Geniteam - can you log this as an issue on the GitHub engine repo please?

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