OUT NOW - FLIP IT, our new game!

Hey guys,

Over the last month, we’ve been working on our latest Playcanvas game, which we’re very proud to say is now out! Play @

Thanks to forum members, especially @Leonidas, @yaustar, and @davidpox for helping us complete this project. Thanks to @DevPlex01 for the skybox.


This has a lot of potential. Why not create more variants. Let’s say, new designs and levels?

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Sure. Could you please let me know the details of what you think on Discord?

This is actually addicting and could be a good idea for a hyper casual game. Was kinda confused at first but after 2min i got the hang. With improved graphics and etc. you could make some money with it on the app store i guess.


Thanks @Enbit, what part of the game should we improve graphics in?

Well, in my opinion, you guys should create a better looking model for the lever in a 3D modelling software. This way, it would look really good. That’s my opinion though.

I’d agree. Will work on that later on.

Look for hyper casual games on google. They all kinda follow an easy for the eye design. Cant describe it tho.

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