Other player different form player

The other player in my game needs to be the same as the player. How can you tell its rotation, skin, and weapon if it is multiplayer? The nickname and chat exist to all players, how would I do this with the player itself?

Hi @Jacob_Mcbride,

You will have to network that information. Much like the realtime networking example sends the position (posX, posY, posZ), you will have to send that information together (rotation, skin, weapon).

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How? I have no idea how to code (All code is thanks to you guys on forums)

Networks games are exceptionally hard, if you don’t know how to code that will be a showstopper for you.

I’d suggest you start learning JavaScript, there are plenty free online courses you can take.

I tried to learn but I can’t. The courses are not either free or correct.
I just need this one thing done for me I did everything myself, please do this!
This is the main part of my game! I can make you admin, and I have a starter script for this.