I need to optimize a game loading. While the loading screen appears, the game send too many requests to server to get assets. Like each sound has it’s own network call. Is there any way, all assets get bundled in one package and game only has to fetch that bundle?
We have the tech on the engine side, but it’s still need work to be available in the Editor: Asset Bundles - UX improvements and release to public · Issue #1059 · playcanvas/editor · GitHub
It’s not likely this will be done in the next couple of months though, but hopefully sometimes next year.
Any beta availability for that?
The work on the Editor integration has not started, so no beta yet.
@moka is there some manual way to use it currently with Editor projects?
Check with @Mark_Lundin / @KPal , I believe a version of the Editor feature exists behind a feature flag but not sure what state it’s in. I do remember there’s some UX issues with it.
Yep, the bundles feature hasn’t been fully resolved. We need to review it and decide on a best route forward
If you have access to the hosting server, it’s worth seeing if enabling https2/3 helps. Browser allow more concurrent connections via http2/3, and although you won’t get the same compression across assets, it should improve your start up time.