Offline editor based on Electron

Hello! I’m using playcanvas more than 6 month. This is incredible engine for WebGL/WebVR, i like it more than Three.js. I also has been working with Three and A-Frame for about 1.5 years.
But now my company is interesting in commerce development and I can’t use online editor any more for some specific reasons. That’s why I’m interesting in offline editor.
Not only like playcanvas editor, but with some specific versions. I has some plans and milestones, but first is make simple prototype.

I’m also interesting in some help :slight_smile: I will update this post later with additional information, so stay tuned in :wink:


interesting, I always thought when I am more experienced I could make a PlayCanvas desktop app made in electron framework, and maybe give the source code to PlayCanvas GitHub organization to make it open source for others to put there own updates and features

here, this might help with your project
PlayCanvas official discord community

Is this project still alive? Im thinking of creating my own editor. But if you already got one in work I could contribute and help.

Wait is this still in progress or is it abandoned?

@Enbit @DevPlex01 sorry for late reply. Project is still in my dream :smiley: I’m too busy now but wanna continue. Now I’m thinking about make VSCode plugin for scene editing.
But before that I’m making some monkey patching of ScriptType, Material, Shader and some other classes in order to work with OOP.
Other words, I have old prototype which I want rework from zero.

Oh okay, so this isn’t completely abandoned. That’s good. Hopefully you can finish the idea.