Objects dynamic control


Please, help to choose the best way to control/move/rotate/resize/etc objects at PC scene:

  • Make all objects at 1 GLB model, found needed by object-group name, control it;
  • Make all objects as standalone independent GLB models, found needed by model/file name, control.

PS Does PC engine have some nuances when working with different names hierarchy?

If you are importing the FBX assets into the Editor, having them as separate assets will mean that you can them in the Editor more easily.

If it’s all going to be via code, it doesn’t really matter either way.

We are working on being able to release being able to import FBX as a hierarchy: https://youtu.be/64fcCy9lvq8?t=4744 which would make this easier.

Not sure what you mean by this.

Objects hierarchy already exist at Blender. Also Blender have more possibility to control objects settings and materials, thus I choose to prepare GLB models at Bledner, not at PlayCanvasEditor. At least for now.

Thus at this topic I’m asking not about PCEditor, but about PCEngine - which of 2 methods from 1 my message at this topic are better to use with your PCEngine?

In which case, it be “Make all objects at 1 GLB model, found needed by object-group name, control it;” for me. As you are not using the Editor, there doesn’t seem to be a net benefit using separate GLB files