Need to know difference between playcanvas and unreal engine coordinates system?

hey guys, thanks for in advance hope you are in good health.

I tried replicating unreal app (basically I am lerping an object from one position to another) by using unreal coordinates (getting position and rotation in (x, y and z axis)) in playcanvas but failed to get same results.

Currently the issues I am getting more are on rotation which doesn’t work how Unreal’s rotation work

the data of json it would like this
“ballLocations”: [
“x”: 282.330078125,
“y”: -166.08915710449219,
“z”: 188.97430419921875
“x”: 227.3118896484375,
“y”: -163.56974792480469,
“z”: 186.11289978027344
“x”: 175.13688659667969,
“y”: -161.1805419921875,
“z”: 183.01254272460938

"batLocations": [
        "x": -1452.2537841796875,
        "y": -67.882095336914062,
        "z": 123.35851287841797
        "x": -1453.34912109375,
        "y": -67.6103515625,
        "z": 123.45930480957031
        "x": -1454.438720703125,
        "y": -67.358917236328125,
        "z": 123.50994110107422
	  "batRotations": [
        "x": 173.09700012207031,
        "y": -39.006641387939453,
        "z": 138.61723327636719
        "x": 174.28663635253906,
        "y": -42.238037109375,
        "z": 139.27177429199219
        "x": 175.45152282714844,
        "y": -45.255672454833984,
        "z": 140.05343627929688
	"helmetLocations": [
        "x": -1424.4835205078125,
        "y": -90.561393737792969,
        "z": 161.35346984863281
        "x": -1424.6336669921875,
        "y": -90.31640625,
        "z": 161.33802795410156
        "x": -1424.7886962890625,
        "y": -90.075233459472656,
        "z": 161.30123901367188
	"helmetRotations": [
        "x": 10.185146331787109,
        "y": 8.5926847457885742,
        "z": -87.870758056640625
        "x": 10.302844047546387,
        "y": 8.5713815689086914,
        "z": -87.919174194335938
        "x": 10.415678024291992,
        "y": 8.5631923675537109,
        "z": -87.96923828125


and i have also go through
but didnt solve my issue

it would be my pleasure if any would help

Hi @rehman97,

Unreal uses the Z axis for up instead of Y and also uses cm in stead of m.

That means that Unreal units are way larger and you will have to dived by 1/100 to get to PlayCanvas relevant units.

thanks @Leonidas
I tried that i am working on since 4 days but didnt get the same result. I have attached the video the is totally on rotation size.

in the video i have showed the difference result of unreal and playcanvas.

here it is my project

Ah you didn’t mention this was for UI elements. I haven’t done that before and I can’t advise on the exact conversions required.

I would advice trying to match everything visually and take it from there.

its not for that ui element i just wan to explain, my mainly issue is with rotation