Material opacity: Subtractive alpha..?


In the Playcanvas Standard Material there are several useful blend options, and recently I see even more has been exposed in the editor:

“Additive alpha” for instance is super useful for light glow and emissive effects. But what about “Subtractive alpha”? This would be rly useful for faking shadows, and could probably be used to create some rly cool trippy effects.

To me this sounds like something that would be great to have as an option. Any thoughts?

Perhaps, even though typically a Multiply mode will likely behave more as expected here. Is this not working for you?


Thx for the reply! (and sorry it took me so long to see it)

So, it is true “Premultiplied Alpha” could be used for shadow effects, but it will still get a somewhat “foggy” impression, similar to normal alpha blend with a dark diffuse color. (Just using “multiply” blend mode would ofc only work on hard shadows since no alpha blend)

This will be especially noticeable in cases where the “shadow” is colored. Say you wish for a somewhat blueish color to the shadow (faking strong blue ambient light for instance"). Using a blue plane with “premultiplied alpha” on top of the ground will give a result like this:

While using a red colored plane with what would be “subtractive alpha” would give a result like this:

Which I think in many cases would be preferable and create a more realistic effect.