Mac WebGL error on fog VFX: src and dst formats differ for depth/stencil

Has anyone come across this WebGL error doing fog effects on a Mac device? So we’ve far only seen this on a very specific Mac device running OS X 10.13, but it affects both Safari and Chrome so it’s defintely hardware support related.

Error (Chrome):
[.WebGL-0x7fba65070000]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glBlitFramebufferCHROMIUM: src and dst formats differ for depth/stencil

WebGL Report:

This would be a good candidate for a github issue, so the devs can look into it.

True, will do.

A project that showcases the error would really help too :slight_smile:

I’ll see if I can do that, it’s hard to find a Mac device that has the issue funny enough. None of the Macs available on can reproduce it. :confused: