Looking for IP of the deployed playcanvas link

I am trying to get VAPT testing done for my PlayCanvas-deployed project.
The testing company is asking for the IP of the deployed project. As this is not hosted by us and is on PlayCanvas servers, we do not know how to get it.

Can someone help me?

Hi @NXT_Interactive and welcome,

If I get this right you want the IP address of the public url you get when building a PlayCanvas hosted project right?

There are numerous services you can use online to request the IP by passing the full http url:

No use, not able to find any IP using such tools with playcanvas links. Replies with

No exact address

PlayCanvas deployments are delivered using a CDN so you will not be able to obtain a single, consistent IP address. If your project needs a static IP, you’ll have to download your client files and host it yourself at an endpoint you control.

See more about this in the Self-hosting docs.