I am trying to make an entity behavior script for a hunting game I am working on. I want to allow for the entities to traverse a variety of terrain. They are able to climb up small ledges. However, when on top of the ledge, they then sink back down onto the base floor. This is due to my function which moves the entity down if it is not touching (or close to) the floor.
I am using raycasting to figure out the distance of the entity from the floor. Here is the function:
Prey.prototype.moveToFloor = function(){
var origin = this.entity.getPosition();
var start = new pc.Vec3(origin.x, origin.y - 0.5, origin.z);
var floorSensor = new pc.Vec3(origin.x, origin.y - 2, origin.z);
var floorHit = this.RayCast(start, floorSensor);
if (floorHit) {
// const dist = this.entity.getPosition().distance(floorHit.point);
const dist = Math.abs(this.entity.getPosition().y) - Math.abs(floorHit.point.y);
if (dist > 0.2) {
console.log(dist + floorHit.entity.name);
this.entity.translateLocal(0, -0.03, 0);
The function seems to only respond to the base floor plane I use in my test scene. Even if I initialize the entity over the ledge, it just sinks to the base floor. Here is my project. I don’t know why it would be doing this.