Issue with lerp

I have issue with lerp

flyTo(dt, pointA, pointB){

        this.time += dt;

        let percent = this.time / this.duration;

        const position = this.entity.getPosition();

        position.lerp(pointA.getPosition(), pointB.getPosition(), percent);



camera flies weirdly where go back, also when click on wheels the camera goes on the side

The code looks fine in isolation. Use the debugger and step through the code to double check your values and variables.

when I comment
// position.lerp(pointA.getPosition(), pointB.getPosition(), percent);
then the movement is ok but not smooth but the right positions

Not sure if this is the issue but:

Avoid changing the internal vectors the engine use. Try creating a new one somewhere in your initialize method and use that:

// in initialize
this.vec = new pc.Vec3();

// in your flyTo() method
        const position = this.vec.copy(this.entity.getPosition());

        position.lerp(pointA.getPosition(), pointB.getPosition(), percent);

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what should be wrong if it not interpolates but goes and goes above the limit value I see hmm?
for example when I pick the wheels then the percent goes above 1, so above 100%

looks like its updating over and over
this.time += dt;
but not always in other states it interpolates from point A to B

in other file I have

            camera.flyTo(dt,, this.followCam);

            camera.flyTo(dt, this.followCam,;

looks also like the interpolation not works in reverse in this case
because I want to interpolate from A to B
and from B to A too

Do you ever reset this.time to 0 when you start a new transition?

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reset time in this place?

flyTo(dt, pointA, pointB){
        this.time = 0;
        this.time += dt;

or before calling flyTo() ?

this.time = 0;


            this.time = 0;
  , this.entity, this.bodySpot);

Neither as they both set time to 0 before calling flyTo each frame. I don’t know what triggers the transition in the first place but if it’s on a button press, that will be where to reset values.

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ok yes this is on button press or when picking with framebuffer

also I don’t know where to reset the time in case of framebuffer picking

when I pick the body transition is smooth and finite,
but when I pick the wheels the transition looks like is infinite because it goes over 1

There must be some point where the app knows it has clicked on the wheels to start the transition. I would reset values there.

You may also want to clamp your lerp value between 0 and 1 too.

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and also I notice this
when I have, this.bodySpot, this.wheelsSpot);

then it not goes from body to wheels but to wheels then goes to side and goes further

Do you stop it when it reaches the wheelSpot?

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ok so I look into this thanks

The value of alpha, which in your case is stored in percent variable, should be from 0 to 1. When you add let percent = this.time / this.duration;, your this.time always grows, making percent grow too indefinitely, way over value of 1. This will result in camera “overshooting” the target position.

You should add a check and reset it to 1, if it is over it. Something like:

let percent = this.time / this.duration;
if (percent > 1) {
    percent = 1;

Also, as @yaustar mentioned, you should reset this.time to 0, before your update(dt) method on event that symbolizes the start of a lerp sequence. This will allow the percent variable to grow from 0 to 1 again.


how can I reverse lerp?
so from follow camera to camera
I try with
camera.flyTo(dt, this.followCam,;

because forward is:
camera.flyTo(dt,, this.followCam);

hmm ok so the value must go from 1 to 0