Is it possible to create "2D_CARTESIAN" anim state tree in editor?

Is it possible to create “2D_CARTESIAN” anim state tree in editor?

I want to create this animation structure with editor but I think it’s not possible with editor right now?

I also saw another grid view kind of editor on PlayCanvas’s presentation but I’m not sure if we can get an access to it.

Not yet, we are planning to release this to beta testers this month.

Blend trees are still WIP in the engine.

Is there any ETA for it? @yaustar

Not that I know off the top of my head. @Elliott will have to confirm once back in the office.

Right now, the focus is on the graph editor.

I stand corrected. It’s available in the engine only, the editor side of it hasn’t been hooked up yet

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Oh thank you, I already implement system to my game with code. Thank you for your answer. I’m still looking forward to using editor version tho. Hopefully soon :slight_smile:

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