Introduce yourself

Hey Everyone!!!

My name is Trey and I am a sound designer, composer and engineer who needs some help with visuals lol. I have been trying to find an engine/platform where I can make simple white rooms to showcase art and music for some people I work with. I got started in ue4 but found playcanva on accident. I’m hoping to set up a simple white room to show some art and play some music in the background. I am eager to learn and am ready to take on any suggestions. If you have any questions on audio or spatial audio please let me know I’ll help out in any way i can


My name is Tyler and i am new to playcanvas. I am 11 years old and i like to make games, so when i grow up i’d like to be a game desinger. But i do not know that much programming, so making games is hard but fun for me and i’d like to learn as much as i can.


Hello Tyler, welcome and live to fullfill your passion. To learn programming the most important thing is perseverance. When i was 13 i first saw a ZX Spectrum, a computer that maybe you never heard of. My cousin show me a simple program he made with it, and i fell in love with programming. Through the years i have self learned many programming languages, so your only limit is you yourself. Be hard headed and follow your desire to build up nice games.


Hey Guys!

My name is Yasiru and I’m a web application developer and recent graduate. My background is mainly in React/Vue front end application development. I’ve had some previous experience with Three.js, Pixi.js and Unity. Recently I’ve been getting in to playcanvas in order to research product configurators. Excited to learn playcanvas.


Hi, I’m RandomPanda

In my spare time, I enjoy learning new game-engines and programming languages.
I also enjoy helping others, of which I have a strong passion for.

I also enjoy:

• Good food
• Music with good beats
• Excellent UI/UX
• Game development
• Web design
• Decent gaming

I’ve chosen to try out PlayCanvas because it has a healthy community, professional tools, and because it’s results certainly have put an impression on me, since some of the browser games that I still play to this day is built on it: /


A post was merged into an existing topic: Venge is a fun game

Hi, I’m Catalin, I’m an experienced developer with almost two decades of programming experience (mostly desktop C++/C#/OpenGL/D3D) and this is my first foray into WebGL and Javascript :crossed_fingers:.
I’m pretty impressed by the power of PlayCanvas and I’m eager to learn more about it and the whole ecosystem.


Hi everyone! I’m new to PlayCanvas and look forward to creating games with it :fist_left:


Welcome to the Playcanvas community

I am a webar/vr/xr beginner!I like the latest technology。


Hi, thanks for this great tool!

Hello everyone. I would like to start by thanking the PlayCanvas community for all the amazing work that everyone does and your generosity in making PlayCanvas open-source. I truly believe PlayCanvas will have a pivotal role in creating a decentralised metaverse.

My pseudonym is Paranoid Punk, or Punk for short. I am a digital artist, content creator and founder at

Ruddlys operates a digital content economy and develops interoperability systems. The Ruddlys journey began in April 2021 when we took part in The Arweave Open Web Foundry. Ruddlys was one of 10 projects that were chosen and awarded seed investment. The pitch can be viewed here: Ruddlys | ArConf#1 | Arweave Open Web Foundry Demo Day Q1 2021 - YouTube

I have a vision of building a decentralised metaverse that is open and accessible to everyone. The metaverse has already existed in one form or another since the development of video games, and PlayCanvas is one such instance.

I would really love the opportunity to arrange a meeting with some PlayCanvas community leaders so I can explain my vision and how PlayCanvas plays a pivotal role in that vision.

I wish you all the very best in your endeavours. Everyone in this community is building high-impact applications and the future will thank you for it.

Keep up the great work everyone!



Welcome! Just to clarify, who do you mean by PlayCanvas Community Leaders?

@yaustar Thank you for getting back promptly. Ideally, I would be honoured to have a quick 15-min chat with @will .

The project is quite ambitious and will require guidance from advisors. I have a personal account that I used to create the proof of concept.

We now need to scale the idea and reach pre-alpha. It will be an ongoing project and I am looking to foster lasting business relationships through a partnership.

While it’s possible to arrange a chat with myself, we generally don’t partner with other companies. If you email, we can talk more in depth there.

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@yaustar That’s awesome. I will send an email. Thanks again for taking the time. If there is anything I can do to give back to the community here, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

Talk soon.


Error: (404) The requested community was not found…


Nice :slight_smile:

Hi I’m new to PlayCanvas but have been a designer, animator and illustrator for 30 years now. Been using 3dsMax before it was called Max, educated in graphic design and have worked in advertising all my life.

I’m very interested in this featured example: Sesotec

I want to create nearly the same thing with my clients models. Any tips to get started? I’m going to do every tutorial I can find over the holiday break. Thanks!!


Hi I am TJ, I’m a 13 year old coder, website maker, game maker, and vr player. Usually for my spare time I use it to code games, I am currently working on a game called color wars, it’s a multiplayer shooting game made from the template by Photon. And that’s about it