Infinite terrain, possible lag fix?

Hello! I have created infinite terrain, it is plain white but it works. It is supposed to generate the tiles in chunks as the player moves.
here is the launch, and here is the editor.
I need help reducing lag, and better/smoother movements when a chunk is generated.
Screenshot 2023-12-16 10.32.21 AM
basically, I added a bounding box for the player, but I can’t seem to find out how to make the chunks delete when not inside of the “Distance” entity. If anyone can help please let me know.

Here is the current code.

var TerrainGenerator = pc.createScript('terrainGenerator');

TerrainGenerator.attributes.add('chunkSize', { type: 'number', default: 10 });
TerrainGenerator.attributes.add('numChunksAhead', { type: 'number', default: 5 });
TerrainGenerator.attributes.add('maxDistance', { type: 'number', default: 20 });

TerrainGenerator.prototype.initialize = function () {
    this.generatedChunks = {};
    this.lastPlayerPosition = new pc.Vec3();
    this.lastPlayerChunk = { x: -1, z: -1 };
    this.tileEntity ='Tile');
    this.tilePool = [];

TerrainGenerator.prototype.generateTerrain = function () {'update', this.updateTerrain.bind(this));

TerrainGenerator.prototype.updateTerrain = function () {
    var playerPosition ='Player').getPosition();

    // Check if the player has moved
    if (this.lastPlayerPosition.equals(playerPosition)) {

    var chunkX = Math.floor(playerPosition.x / this.chunkSize);
    var chunkZ = Math.floor(playerPosition.z / this.chunkSize);

    // Generate tiles only if the player has moved to a new chunk
    if (this.lastPlayerChunk.x !== chunkX || this.lastPlayerChunk.z !== chunkZ) {
        // Generate tiles in the direction of player movement along both X and Z axes
        for (var i = -this.numChunksAhead; i <= this.numChunksAhead; i++) {
            for (var j = -this.numChunksAhead; j <= this.numChunksAhead; j++) {
                var newChunkX = chunkX + i;
                var newChunkZ = chunkZ + j;

                var distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(i, 2) + Math.pow(j, 2));

                if (distance <= this.numChunksAhead && !this.generatedChunks[`${newChunkX}_${newChunkZ}`]) {
                    var newTile = this.getTileFromPool();
                    newTile.setPosition(newChunkX * this.chunkSize, 0, newChunkZ * this.chunkSize);
                    this.markChunkAsGenerated(newChunkX, newChunkZ);

        // Update the last generated chunk
        this.lastPlayerChunk.x = chunkX;
        this.lastPlayerChunk.z = chunkZ;

    // Update the last player position

    // Delete chunks outside the max distance

TerrainGenerator.prototype.getTileFromPool = function () {
    if (this.tilePool.length > 0) {
        return this.tilePool.pop();
    } else {
        return this.tileEntity.clone();

TerrainGenerator.prototype.returnTileToPool = function (tile) {
    tile.enabled = false; // Disable the tile

TerrainGenerator.prototype.markChunkAsGenerated = function (chunkX, chunkZ) {
    this.generatedChunks[`${chunkX}_${chunkZ}`] = true;

TerrainGenerator.prototype.deleteChunksOutsideMaxDistance = function (playerPosition) {
    var self = this;

    Object.keys(this.generatedChunks).forEach(function (key) {
        var chunkPos = key.split('_');
        var chunkX = parseInt(chunkPos[0]);
        var chunkZ = parseInt(chunkPos[1]);
        var distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(playerPosition.x - chunkX * self.chunkSize, 2) + Math.pow(playerPosition.z - chunkZ * self.chunkSize, 2));

        if (distance > self.maxDistance) {
            self.deleteChunk(chunkX, chunkZ);

TerrainGenerator.prototype.deleteChunk = function (chunkX, chunkZ) {
    var chunkKey = `${chunkX}_${chunkZ}`;
    if (this.generatedChunks[chunkKey]) {
        this.generatedChunks[chunkKey] = false;

        // Delete the chunk entity
        var chunkEntity ='Tile' + chunkX + '_' + chunkZ);
        if (chunkEntity) {