Increase frequency of check in update

This script has an issue where the check for slowAngle on line 57 is randomly failing (sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t). The only reason I can think of for this is that the number slowAngle is set to is never matched by the z rotation. Is there a way I can improve the check so that no matter what number slowAngle comes out to be, I can be guaranteed the z rotation value will be checked at the same number?

var SpinWheel = pc.createScript('spinWheel');

SpinWheel.attributes.add('manager', {type: 'entity'});

// initialize code called once per entity
SpinWheel.prototype.initialize = function() 
    this.paused = true;
    this.slowDown = false;
    this.colliders ='Collider');
    //Vars to control slow/stop
    this.rotCount = 0;
    this.slowCount = 0;
    //Set start position
    startAngles = [-15, -45, -75, -105, -135, -165, 15, 45, 75, 105, 135, 165];
    //startAngle = 15;
    this.startAngle = startAngles[Math.floor(Math.random()*startAngles.length)];
    console.log("Start Angle: " + this.startAngle);

SpinWheel.prototype.spin = function()
    this.paused = false;
    this.slowAngle = this.manager.script.spinManager.stopAngle;
    //this.slowAngle = 15;
    this.entity.rigidbody.angularVelocity = new pc.Vec3(0,0,100);

SpinWheel.prototype.update = function(dt)
    this.rotation = this.entity.getEulerAngles();
    if(this.entity.rigidbody.angularVelocity.z === 0)
            this.colliders[i].rigidbody.enabled = false;
            this.colliders[i].rigidbody.enabled = true;
    if(this.rotCount === 3 && Math.round(this.rotation.z) === this.slowAngle)
        this.slowDown = true; //this needs to always happen, but isn't
    else if(this.rotCount != 3)
        if(Math.round(this.rotation.z) === this.startAngle)
            this.rotCount += 1;
        console.log("Rotations: " + this.rotCount);
        var v = this.entity.rigidbody.angularVelocity;
        v.z *= 0.995;
        this.entity.rigidbody.angularVelocity = v;