Increase character speed

Hello all . I have created a game in which a many player come and watch a video but i dont know why my player speed is not increasing …

here is the project below

in assets there is a script folder . Inside it there will be a Playerscriptfolder . Inside it there will be player movement script . I have updated the speed but it is not affecting the player

Hello @Tr_andreson ,

In which scene should I look? Also, can you give us some more information on where and how you’re trying to change the speed?

hello I have forked this project and make changes in them

the mulitplayer character is same

Alright, I see. How are you trying to change the speed? With code or from the script’s attribute in the editor?


I can see that you’re instantiating the player template via code. If you’re trying to change the speed attribute from the editor that won’t work because the template isn’t in the hierarchy.

What you can do is, add the Player template the hierarchy, change the speed to the value you want, hit apply and then remove the template from the hierarchy. That way the value will be applied to the template.

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can you provide any pracitcal solution ?

What @Christina said, it’s quite practical. If you have trouble following that advice, you should first study the PlayCanvas manual to learn more on how scripts work.