Has anyone built an app using Playcanvas that had IAP’s inside of it that would work on Android or IOS?
I noticed that cocoon.io had some documentation, but I really don’t know much of anything when it comes to this, and would love to get a general Idea of how to go about this. IF there happens to be relevant documentation for this I’d love to check it out!
I think that requires player accounts using existing services or your own software. I however have no idea how to implement in app purchases after the player accounts stage so please keep me posted!
If you need this to work in the browser as well as in the mobile ‘native’ app, you will have to use a player accounts service like PlayFabs or roll your own.
If it’s just for the native app using cocoon.io or similar, you will have to use whatever the wrappers API is and should follow their documentation (e.g https://docs.cocoon.io/article/google-play-store-plugin/) and also the stores documentation about creatinga product to buy in game (e.g ghttps//support.google.com/googleplay/answer/1061913?hl=en).
There won’t be anything PlayCanvas specific for IAP as its native mobile specific.