I'm making a portal style puzzle game, any tips or tricks I could use?

For some more info, the game is called “Owie, My Brain Hurts” The game is about puzzles that at first seem simple but are actually insanely hard with stupid solutions. I’m just stuck on making some features, and I really need some help since I’m new to JS. I’m also using the Roll a ball preset for the base game.

The features I’m struggling with are the buttons, the doors, and a machine that launches some sort of gliding device that the player can stand on top of.

Alright, Ill see what I can do to help.

The first step would be to remove the rolling ball preset thing, those are just parasitic assets that should not be useful to you

“Buttons” is very vague. Do you mean buttons as in for a menu or physical objects in some game space? I need more information than that.

Again, “doors” is vague, but in a different way. What are you wanting the doors to do? Take the player to another scene? Load another area of the same scene? Just swing open when touched? Do you want them to be locked and require a key? You need to give much more information than “i need help with the doors”, I dont know what that means.

Ironically enough the third thing you described might seem to be the most complicated, but its actually the only thing I can give you concrete advice about. Just use a script to enable an entity that is translating towards the place you want it to go, and make sure it has a kinematic rigidbody.

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Hey, thanks for offering help.

Let me explain the idea. I do want to keep the Roll a ball preset because I want the game to be more unique. The buttons will be physical objects and not UI. The doors will open after the puzzle is complete and will lead to a room with a teleporter that will take the player to the next level.

Alright so first keeping the rolling ball preset stuff will just make the game more generic, not unique, but if you want to keep it then whatever.

Again you are too vague with the buttons. Alright they are physical objects, and what else? What specifically did you want these buttons to do and how are they activated? I really would like to help you but I dont really enjoy having to interrogate peope just to figure out what they need help with

As for the doors if you just want them to disappear upon level completion just attach a script to the door that checks if the level is complete and if it is disable the entity.