Iframe's button and scroll is not working

Hi All, I made a AR html scene by iframe (fork from tutorials https://developer.playcanvas.com/en/tutorials/youtube-in-3d-scenes/),
The button and scroll in iframe is not work in Android(chrome), but it is work well in Android(Edge),
The button is work in iPhone(Safrai), but the scroll is not work.

my project is PlayCanvas 3D HTML5 Game Engine

Thanks in advance.

Hi @luhaohui and welcome,

That’s a cool use of that example!

Tested on Android (Samsung Galaxy S10) on Chrome, and both the button (menu) and scrolling through the iframe container works. It’s a bit tricky with AR precision moving the element around but it works.

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Hi @Leonidas,
thanks for reply.

My Chrome version is 94.0.4606.61, click the button(Menu), but the drop list is not show. The scrolling of web pages in iframe is also invalid.

before i update the Chrome(78.0.xxxx.xx), the scrolling is works.