I would like to ask about the parsing model file of PlayCanvas

So let’s say I have a model of a city that’s about five or six hundred megabytes in size and that’s just a fine model with at least a few million faces will playcanvs be rendered very fast

Hi @dsl188199,

5-6MB of file size is definitely fine, but a few million faces? I think that’s too many in most cases.

Your bottleneck isn’t Playcanvas but Javascript/WebGL in general. Unless you plan to render this model only on high-end desktop machines, then you should definitely consider reducing your polycount.

I think I’m probably wrong if it’s a 2 to 300 MB scenario file that has at least 1 million faces in Playcanvas what’s the processing speed of webGl

You can easily try it out in a Playcanvas project.

300MB will take a long time to load, keep this in mind.

Also you can use GLB which will decrease loading times. Editor support isn’t still there but you can use a script to load your model using the engine API.

Thank you. Let me take a look at GLB. Thank you very much. We want to make a racing game with a big scene, but now It takes me a long time to load 100MB scenes into my computer

It also takes a long time to load up the game and it’s not friendly to the player

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A user to download 100MB to play a browser game is far too much :sweat_smile:

If it’s a city, I would split it up into much smaller chunks and stream in/out chunks as the user moves around the city which is what games like GTA does.

Very, very rarely are the whole worlds and cities all loaded at once.

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Oh, you can do that but we’re going to try to look at the maximum number of surfaces that playCanvas can render so far we know what the current scene is

Vertex count: 20 million

Number of faces: 19 million

Triangular face: 38 million

Scene size scene size: 4 km2

The model of the car and the model of the tree have not been calculated. The mobile phone can be loaded with more than 20 frames in the last two years

If you want to go down the testing route. I would recommend setting up a local host for your model files (glb) so you don’t have to keep uploading/downloading hundreds of MB of files.

I vaguely remember there might be a hard limit on the number of vertexes (16 bit) (@Leonidas does that ring a bell) but other factors come into play such as the spec of the device, display resolution etc.

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Yeah, good point, WebGL uses for indices unsigned bytes which means 0-65535. That means in most cases 65k vertices in total per mesh instance. Of course you could have more than that, but you won’t be able to index your geometry, resulting in huge file sizes.

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