I need help with movement coding

I’m having trouble getting my vehicle to move I have taken script from the play canvas website where it has the tutorial but it still doesn’t work.

If anyone is willing to help message me or here is the link for my project.

Hi @Shiesty_PePe and welcome,

Here is a third person controller example:


And here is a much simpler example that rotates a cube if you find the above too complex to get started:


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ill try it out thanks. I’m trying to eventually put in vehicle physics and movement but I just want to start out with basic movement around the plain.

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Hey @Shiesty_PePe, if you are interested in vehicle physics, you can check out this guide when you are implementing it in the future.



I’ve been trying to use that code and I copy and paste the code and apply it to the buggy but it still doesn’t move

I’m not able to access the project anymore, please share a public link, and we can take a look.

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