The “particle system” works well in a computer environment. However, although there is sound in the mobile environment, there is no image on the screen.
The code structure is as follows.
Controller.attributes.add('anim', {
type: 'entity'
Controller.prototype.onCollisionStart = function (result) {
var sds ='patlama');
if (result.other.tags.has('engel')) {
Game link for you to test: Ramp
Note: You can hit any red colored obstacle or fall into space.
While the animation is displayed on the computer browser during hitting the obstacle, the sound of the animation is heard on the mobile browser, but the image is not displayed.
Do you have an opinion on this? Thank you.
There is also another off-topic issue. As the sphere moves, when the roller lands on a track or a closed track, it is as if the camera is entering that track. How do I pull the camera down when it comes to those parts?