I can't get anything from the store. Does anyone know why?

for some reason i cant download anything from the store because i apparently have no projects does anyone know why?

Do you have any browser extensions installed?

yes “Honey” and something called “Playcanvas Editor Plus” i’ll take off honey and see if it works

ok so i took it off and it does’t work still

Just tried it, seems to be working fine. What browser are you using?

Take off the PlayCanvas Editor Plus extension. It is known to break functionality of the Editor as it is outdated.

im using google chrome and i took off the extension it used to work before but now it doesnt

What used to work? The Store or the Editor Plus extension?

the store

Now that you have removed the extension, does the store now work?

nope still can’t download anything it just says you have no projects or something like that also when i had the browser extensions it did used to let me donwload things but it just randomly stopped