Humanoid animation on a model

I am trying to play a humanoid animation on a model that is in working condition in unity but not working in playcanvas. Is there any way to put humanoid animation in playcanvas?

Hi @Hassan_Amjad1!

Do you use an anim component with an anim state graph?

Yes I did

Using a model with animation type humanoid in unity. Working fine there. However, if I import same animation in playcanvas, it doesn’t work

I’m not sure what type humanoid exactly means and I don’t know if you can achieve the same with PlayCanvas. Hopefully someone else can help with this.

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@Hassan_Amjad1 I have experience in both unity and playcanvas. Can you tell me how you are importing animation from unity?

@Faiq_Laiq In unity we are using humanoid animations on model. This works because unity can rearrange hierarchy and can run any humanoid animation on any model. We just have to give animation type as humanoid in unity. I am now trying to play same animation in playcanvas but I guess Playcanvas is considering that animation as generic whereas in reality it is humanoid.

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In PlayCanvas, the bone names of the animation need to match the mesh. If it does not, you typically get bunch of warnings in the dev console when using a debug version of the engine.

Playcanvas runs the animation on a model if it can run it on that model.

However, if you are still facing this issue, can you reproduce it in an empty project? I will have a look on it for you