How to tweak attributes in editor?

How to tweak attributes in editor?
for example I want to adjust distance when orbiting the camera

this.on('attr:distance', function (value, prev) {
    this.distance = value;

but I get

Maximum call stack size exceeded

I saw
but I want to tweak numbers not entites

ah maybe because I have in update
this.distance = 2;
and then in inititialize the value from update is and then maximum call stack exceeded?

no, still the issue, I can tweak the distance but still the error appears

Hi @grzesiekmq,

Why don’t you add a numeric attribute to your script then? You will be able to tweak it in editor.

yes I have it

CameraAnim.attributes.add('distance', {type: 'number'});

but I get

Maximum call stack size exceeded

I am checking your project and I don’t see any CameraAnim script or a numeric attribute in your live-tweaking.js script.

Maybe it’s a different project?

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yes this is different project ok so here is the scene

So not sure why your project gets that error, but you don’t really need the event handler to tweak the distance attribute. Each time you change the value in editor the camera distance gets updated, if I comment out this:

    initialize() {
        this.currentAngle = this.targetAngle = this.height = this.distance = 0;
        this.animSpeed = 5;
            // this.on('attr:distance', function (value, prev) {
            //     this.distance = value;
            // });


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It looks like the statement was an infinite loop as it was setting a value to itself. Setting a value to this.distance probably fires the attr event