How to make an automatic raycast?

I would like to know how I make the raycast take effect without using touch or mouse input. Is it possible to do it automatically by staying 3 sec in the area that receives the ray?
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You can raycast every frame which is what I think the WebVR starter project does from what I remember.

Not sure, what you mean by this. Can you give an example of the end effect you would want?

I you’re wanting to use gaze rather than touch/clic

So GAZE would act as a touch/clic if you stare at an object.

I was actually trying to get this to work on one of my projects, but wasn’t able to successfully transfer this -> into my project.

The gaze kept acting weird, by fading in this thing called BlackoutPanel. I was on a tight schedule so I didn’t try again.

But with enough patience, that should be the solution to your navigation needs.

Do you mean the Blackout Plane? The blackout plane is enabled to reduce motion sickness when the gamepad/mouse to rotate the camera (for seated experiences).

Should be pretty easy to remove. Just remove all the lines to do with _blackoutModel and _blackoutAlpha.

Got it.
I’ll give it another shot.

It was coming out on my mobile when dragging the scene around.

I couldn’t get the reticule to show on the floor of the areas I wanted to navigate in my project, which confused things a bit more… but i just did another (less rushed) pass through that WebVR project and noticed there is a folder called Teleport Area, which basically is filled with primitive shapes that have the shape.js script on them, which combined with the shapes in the Teleport Blockers folder, seem to determine where the reticle will show up and teleport happen.